Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System

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Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System

Jason Capital – The Email Millionaire System

What I’m about to reveal below may shock you. You may shake your head in disbelief. However, trust me…

EVERY number you see, EVERY word I write is 1000% true.

In fact, fvck that. Don’t trust me.

Instead, trust this actual video I recorded for you where you can see literally with your own eyes as I log into one of my 6 Clickbank accounts:

See what I mean? For the past three years, I’m been raking in cash, hand over fist. And I’m going to share my numbers as well as strategies today.

Warning: A word to the haters…

All I’ll say is “fvck you”and respectfully encourage you to stop reading right now…

I’m not kidding, I have no time for haters. You sir, are not a part of my tribe and you do not deserve my time.

Refuse to believe me? And it’s your loss, not mine, buddy. Adios. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Today, I’m going to share my numbers and reveal how I do it. Not to brag, but to show you up close how *YOU* can do it too

If you haven’t reading my emails lately or if you’re new to the tribe, let me restate my purpose, my mission:


Every day just before I wake up in bed naturally at about 5AM (and kick the girl(s) I just slept with out of bed), I’m dreaming of a growing a badass tribe of guys who are…


UNSTOPPABLE when it comes to wealth, women and being an absolute badass in all areas of their lives.

I want to equip you with a badass mindset… the psychology… the SUPERIOR wealth, deal making and money-getting strategies you need to CRUSH IT.

Then I want to lead you in life to battle every day and have you emerge from the fog of war every night, bloodied but VICTORIOUS.

Ready to fight another day.

In order to do that, in today’s dog-eat-dog, Mad Max dystopian world…


And make no mistake, I’m going to show you how to get it, make it and keep it.

I’m going to show you how I make a major chunk of it every week and how you can make it, assuming you want to. I want to make YOU and everyone else in my badass tribe…

First things first, it ain’t hard.

However, just 4 years ago, I would have given my left nut to learn the same methods you’re about to discover today.

At that time, I was struggling, big time.

I had this little basketball website. Basketball was a passion of mine at the time.

What a joke.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I was missing…

The One Word from My Vocabulary That Would Have Made All The Difference…

At the time, I was so pissed off at myself.

Here I was, putting my heart and soul in to this basketball website and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, was happening. I was discouraged

I was missing the one word, the one strategy, that could turn everything around almost instantly. And that one word is…



Simply put, “How do I monetize, how do I make money from this?” is the most IMPORTANT question you could ever ask yourself.

(For instance, I just got back from Thailand. I monetized my trip to Thailand, making money every single day while on my vacation.)

Now, here’s one of my most important discoveries, once I figured out monetization is the name of the game:

What’s the fastest, easiest way to monetize whatever it is you want to do?

Answer: Put Together a Kickass Email List and Start Monetizing It Immediately

There are others, but email is one of the major ways I was able to break out and break free.

But–and please hear me clearly on this:

It’s not the way you would think.

You see, there’s tons of bullshit it out there online about how to create an email list and start marketing to it.


I’m talking about breaking rules (and more than a few records along the way.)

Those guys don’t know shit about how to make a boatload of money with emails lists.

I do and I’m going to prove it to you right now with the help of my personal notary, Christine Tyler.

Here’s the deal:

Recently, I just got done doing a drop dead simple promotion to one of my list. One you can easily (and will) do yourself.

I spent the better part of two weeks selling a very simple yet provocative girl-getting system I’d been working on.

I didn’t create a webpage or anything like that. I didn’t write a sales letter or get some fancy video created.

I just wrote 14 emails and an order form. Probably spent a total of ONE DAY on it.

Here are the numbers:

I wrote 14 emails, and probably spent one day on it, and I made $60,257 in those 14 days.

That’s right, $60,257 slammed my ClickBank account during that time period.

That’s with NO affiliates, NO joint ventures and NO ADVERTISING. None of that bullshit.

Please understand, this is not a one-time thing for me. And if you follow me regularly, you already know that.

I do these kinds of numbers EVERY week – with MULTIPLE LISTS of varying sizes.

Last year I made over $1.3 million with just one list. That’s over $25,000 A WEEK.

That my badass friend, is what can happen when you learn how to monetize an email list the way I show you.

As you’ll read below, I GUARAN-FVCKING-TEE this.

There’s a VERY straightforward email system–containing mindset, strategies, tactics and tools I use which can give you the ultimate financial freedom you’ve been yearning for.

And that’s why I’m inviting to become the next…

Email Millionaire is my core money-making business strategy laid bare for all to gawk and gaze at–like super hot girl at the club on Friday night.

(And better yet, you get to take her home and have your wicked way with her!)

Seriously, if making money online has escaped you in the past – this program is for you.

What I discovered watching Penn and Teller up close…

Here in Vegas, there are these magicians you probably heard of. Penn and Teller.

I swear I’ve seen their show a dozen times and it pisses me off every time!


Because here I am, right in front row, and I can see the trick… upclose… heck, I’m practically on top of them…

But I still can’t figure it out.

I’ve shared that to say this:

I *KNOW* you see my emails every day. I know you think you see what I’m doing.

AND YOU DO. You see the magic, yet…

What you don’t see is THE TRICK that makes it work.

What you don’t see YET is the structure, strategy, the blinding simplicity, the careful word selection and  planning that goes into my daily communication with you…

It’s all deliberately designed to do several purposeful things. It’s layered, one element on top of another. Like one of those little russian dolls, you keep opening and opening.

Obviously, there’s a money making component. That’s an easy one to spot, right?


But if all I did was pitch products all day, you’d quickly move on, wouldn’t you?

Yet, you don’t…

You actually READ MY EMAILS. You DEVOUR them. Every frickn’ day.

Why? For multiple reasons:

  • Obviously, I’m trying to teach you something. And you’re trying to learn.
  • I’m also trying to LEAD every single guy in my badass tribe in a worthy direction. A direction YOU ultimately want to go.
  • And you also get to live vicariously through me and my money-making and often highly sexual activities…

Plus, there are the “secret sauce” elements that pull it all together in a way which are uniquely me, and me alone. A way which I reveal to you in Email Millionaire…

The BIG 5 “Secret Sauce” Ingredients in Email Millionaire That Create a Rabid Loyal Tribe of Buyers…

Inside Email Millionaire, I’ve ripped apart my email strategy into 5 SIMPLE yet mind-blowing components:



When guys come into my orbit, unlike other marketing dudes out there, you’ll discover how I treat you.

It’s an EXTREMELY unique strategy. Flies totally under the radar.

Honestly, I’ve tried the standard email marketing rules you read in books and learn at seminars from the gurus.

Wanna know my opinion? They’re lukewarm BS and only end up wasting everybody’s damn time.

Here’s my secret: I’ve learned how to inject massive quantities of EMOTION from the get-go.



When a promising actor or musician signs with a major agency (think Ari Gold in Entourage) they are given “the treatment”.

Basically, the agency is going to POSITION their talent in the minds of the public.

That’s what we’re going to do next WITH YOU, except via email. Which is even more impactful.


Because by the time I’m done showing you, you’re going to be communicating personally to each person in your tribe individually–except on a mass basis.

This naturally leads us to…



This my badass friend, is where the magic happens.

I am going to give you the keys to the kingdom.

I promise you, not one in 1000 gets this. And if they do get it, they fvck it up royally.

You won’t. Because I am going to take you by the hand and show you not only what I do, and how I do it, butalso WHY I do it.

Which is the key.

I mean… you read my emails, right?

However, I’ll also bet you at some point you said to yourself…



Listen, as you’ll discover, it’s an absolute blast communicating with my tribe every day. (Watch the video above and see how I do it.)

And one of the highlights it when I get everyone together and get them to do something.

For instance…

I am committed that every guy in my tribe BE A HIGH STATUS guy.

I’m intent on everyone experiencing what it’s like to own a room, bang a 10 and be able to have people around him see MY BROTHER as the ultimate badass he already is.

I have a program called STATUS that I’ve put my heart and soul into for the past 3 years. And you better be sure, I am intent on every bruv buying it.

Here’s the key: It’s NOT because I want to make money.

I want them to buy it because it’ll fvcking change their life .

That commitment to the brotherhood, that attitude, is what MATTERS. Follow my lead and you’ll be able to do this as well.

You’ll learn my willful, take-no-prisoners, approach. You’ll discover the 3-day email strategy and all the ESSENTIAL ingredients that go into each strategic email.

The most important thing you’ll get out of this?

How to make the process effortless.

eah, effortless. Fun. Exciting. An adventure.

Please understand: YOU’RE NOT SELLING. You’re not pushing. You’re effortlessly pulling each person in your tribe across the finish line of their life–with each and every product or service you put out there.

It’s a blast. The feedback you get is a mind blow. It’s EUPHORIC! There’s NO BETTER FEELING than changing someone’s life.

Oh yeah, I forgot. There is.

There’s no better feeling than changing everyone in your tribe’s life AT THE SAME TIME.

You’ll see. Then you’ll know in your heart, being an EMAIL MILLIONAIRE is probably the best job in the entire world.

And now it gets better. Way better.




Here’s the best part:

What if you could sell hundreds of  $1,000 to $10,000 products with nothing more than simple email?

Yeah, here’s where YOUR LIFE changes.

No doubt, doing that is A SKILL. And because you’re one of my tribe, it’s a skill I’m willing to share with you.

The first time it happens, you’ll shake your head in disbelief. But your bank account won’t lie.

The size of your tribe won’t matter one iota. Don’t let scarcity minded thinking hold you back.

You can do this.

Even if you had a puny, tiny tribe of just 100, that’s still a lot.

Think about it: That’s 100 people following your every word, your every move, your every email.

Imagine selling JUST 10% of them on a $1000 product. (For the record, I get way more than that.)

That’s $10,000+ CASH slamming your bank account. Just using email. And I’m going to show you how you get WAY MORE than that.

And you’ll do it ethically, morally, legally and most of all, do it so that it makes you feel so damn good to be helping so many people in your tribe.

Trust me, they’ll adore you.


Because you’re doing something nobody does:


That’s right. YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR TRIBE. You’d KILL for your tribe.

It isn’t just a list. They aren’t just “prospects.” And They definitely aren’t “leads.” (Despite what the marketing goorooz say.)

That’s just BULLSHIT thinking.

And the minute you start thinking like that, you are just like all those other posers out there trying to get into your wallet.

I’m going to make goddamn sure that NEVER happens to you. How?

By giving you MY MILLION DOLLAR STRATEGIES, MY TACTICS and MY MINDSET which I’ve perfected over the last 4 years.

More About Your Fledging Tribe…

Understand: the tribe you’ll create is a group of real people connected to you, their leader. They’re not just email addresses.

Get this: And you ALL are connected to an idea. (Whatever that idea is is totally up to you.)

For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. It’s part of our deep primal memory. (And you get to leverage that.)

Now, a group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.

The secret to leading your tribe IS SIMPLE:

  • 1Do what you believe in.
  • 2Email your tribe.
  • 3Paint a picture of the future.
  • 4Be the first one to go first.

They will follow. Do it right, people will buy. IN DROVES.

Trust me, leading your tribe will change your life and make you A MILLIONAIRE in the process.

In Email Millionaire, you’ll also discover…

  • How to use social proof like a Kardashian and become a celebrity yourself in the process if you want…
  • Secrets the richest email marketers all know (but willing only reveal if a gun is held to their head)…
  • How to “hack your tribe’s brain” so that when you talk to your tribe “in THEIR language” it’ll seem like you’re in their head thinking their thoughts for them…
  • 3 stupid mistakes almost everybody initially makes that get your emails unopened and deleted…
  • How to give what you’re doing the unleashed passion (and possibly fury) of a “Black Lives Matter” riot…
  • How to create CRUSHING SUBJECT LINES as eye-grabbing as NY Post Headlines (Plus my own swipe file of subject lines that have worked like gangbusters for me that I’ll share with you)…
  • Why being PC – politically correct is THE KISS OF DEATH…
  • How to turn buying from you, becoming your customer into a privilege…
  • How to look larger-than-life (if you’re the shy, modest, hide-your-light-under-a-bushel type, and refuse to share yourself, DO NOT buy this program because we are going to make you A STAR)…
  • How to LEGITIMATELY “borrow” the credibility of famous people…
  • How to infuse your copy with energy, emotion and passion from the subject line until the last PS…
  • Why and how it pays dividends to segment your list (Which would be akin to giving certain members of your tribe box seats at a Lakers Game)
  • Why you should take YOUR brand as seriously as Floyd Mayweather, Michael Jordan and Donald Trump does theirs
  • How to come up with content to write about that your tribe really wants to know and learn. (Writing secrets only “The Hef” would know)…
  • Unconventional ways to encourage your tribe to interact with you…
  • 5 ways to know if you’re making an impact every day (Love reading about how great you are? Then this program is for you)…
  • How to encourage REAL testimonials and reviews THAT ROCK! (Hint: When one writes in, they ALL will want to write in and you should see the impact this has on sales – there’s a reason Amazon has reviews on its site)…
  • What would Tony Stark write to his tribe? You’ll find out…
  • How make sure your tribe opens all your emails NO MATTER WHAT (no trickery or fakery required)…
  • How to make your tribe as tight as a badass motorcycle club (willing to take a bullet for each other)…
  • Dozens of disarmingly simple tactics I use to seal the deal and get people to TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY…
  • How to make your emails as possible to ignore as Donald Trump
  • Why I *HATE* autoresponders with a passion–this will shock you…
  • How an email list can help you get laid (Yeah, it can–because it gives you S T A T U S–you should become an email millionaire for THIS if not for anything else)
  • Swipe files of my best emails and subject lines (Your subject lines have to rock, because if they don’t, no one reads the rest)
  • The most powerful way I know to capture someone’s attention and get them to do what you ask…

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